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If You Are Baptized at 12 15 Do You Ever Need to Do It Again

"12: How Do I Prepare People for Baptism and Confirmation?" Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service (2018), 205–fourteen

Consider This

  • What do I need to exercise to assistance set people for baptism and confirmation?

  • How exercise I conduct an effective baptismal interview?

  • How is a spiritual baptismal service planned and conducted?

  • How do I piece of work closely with the bishop to ensure that converts are confirmed?

  • Why is it important to complete baptismal and confirmation records?

Fix People for Baptism and Confirmation

The purpose of your didactics is to assistance others develop faith in Jesus Christ and repent of their sins. As Mormon taught, "the first fruits of repentance is baptism" (Moroni viii:25). The baptismal interview is the way established by the Church building to ensure that each candidate meets the Lord'south standards for baptism and is prepared to receive the souvenir of the Holy Ghost. Through this interview, baptismal candidates fulfill the scriptural requirement that they witness before an authorized representative of the Church building that they have "truly repented of all their sins" (Doctrine and Covenants 20:37). The commitments that people make prepare them to brand and keep the covenant of baptism, exist confirmed a fellow member of the Church, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, enter the temple with a limited-employ recommend, and receive the Aaronic Priesthood (for males of the appropriate age). People who have kept the commitments that y'all invited them to brand will be well prepared for the interview and for membership and activity in the Church.

Every bit yous teach people and prepare them for baptism and confirmation, make certain that they come across the qualifications for baptism. As they embark on the covenant path, remember that path leads to the holy temple, where they receive blessings necessary for eternal life.

Qualifications for Baptism

Doctrine and Covenants 20:37:

  • Humble themselves before God.

  • Desire to be baptized.

  • Come up forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits.

  • Apologize of all their sins.

  • Be willing to have upon them the proper noun of Christ.

  • Have a decision to serve Christ to the finish.

  • Manifest past their works that they have received the Spirit of Christ unto a remission of their sins.

Outset Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve:

  • Make sufficient changes in their lives to qualify as commanded in Doctrine and Covenants xx:37.

  • Develop faith in Christ.

  • Apologize of transgressions.

  • Alive the principles of moral worthiness.

  • Live the Word of Wisdom.

  • Commit to pay tithing.

  • Receive all the missionary lessons.

  • Meet the bishop.

  • Attend several sacrament meetings.

    ("Argument on Missionary Work," First Presidency letter, Dec. 11, 2002)

When a person has ready a business firm baptismal appointment, schedule when you will consummate all the events that pb to baptism and confirmation equally listed in your daily planner. Carefully review the Teaching Record to ensure that you lot take taught the bones doctrine and that the candidates are prepared to address each question in the baptismal interview. Review this schedule with the person in your next coming together. If possible, the person should nourish a baptismal service prior to his or her own baptism.

If you feel that the person you are teaching needs additional training, exercise not schedule an interview until he or she meets the standards. If the candidate is a minor, ensure that the parents or guardians have given permission, preferably in writing, for him or her to exist baptized.

As you aid people prepare for their baptismal interview, talk to them about the purpose of the interview. Teach them and bear testimony about the sacredness of baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Explain that you want to make sure they understand the principles y'all have taught and the covenant they volition brand. Too explain that the interview is an opportunity for them to witness earlier the Lord's representative that they are set for these sacred ordinances. Every bit they go on the baptismal covenant, they will receive a remission of sins. Share the questions the interviewer will ask about their conventionalities in important gospel doctrine, their repentance of past sins, and their willingness to covenant to obey Jesus Christ throughout their lives. Emphasize that baptism by h2o is incomplete without baptism by burn through the souvenir of the Holy Ghost.

Remind the person that immediately after baptism and confirmation, he or she is worthy and eligible to receive a express-employ recommend to enter the temple to perform baptisms for deceased ancestors, and males of the appropriate age may also be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood. This will aid set the person on the path toward making temple covenants that open the door to eternal life.

Activity: Personal or Companion Study

  • Read each of the following passages, and make a summary list of the scriptural qualifications for baptism and confirmation.

    • ii Nephi 9:23; 31:4–thirteen

    • Mosiah 18:eight–10

    • Alma 7:14–15

    • 3 Nephi 27:13–21

    • Moroni six:1–four

    • Moroni 8:25–26

    • Doctrine and Covenants 20:37

    • Doctrine and Covenants 22

    • Acts ii:37–39

  • In baptismal interviews, candidates are asked whether they are willing to have upon themselves the name of Christ. What tin you do to help them understand this question? As you ponder this question, study the following scriptures:

    • Mosiah iv–five

    • Mosiah eighteen:ane–11

    • Mosiah 26:18, 21–27

    • 3 Nephi 27:1–ten

    • You may likewise want to look for other passages that aid yous sympathize this principle.

How to Behave the Interview

The person conducting the interview should use the baptismal interview questions with the guidance of the Spirit to determine whether the baptismal candidate meets the qualifications described in Doctrine and Covenants 20:37. He should also adapt the questions to the age and maturity of the candidate.

If a candidate does non authorize according to the baptismal interview questions, the baptism and confirmation should exist postponed. The person should receive additional teaching by the full-time missionaries and fellowshipping from ward members.

The district leader or zone leader who conducts the interview should:

  • Hold the interview in a comfortable, private place, conducive to feeling the Spirit of the Lord. When interviewing a child, youth, or woman, the interviewer's companion should be nearby in the adjoining room, vestibule, or hall. If the person beingness interviewed desires, another adult may be invited to participate in the interview. Missionaries should avert all circumstances that could exist misunderstood (see "Preventing and Responding to Abuse," First Presidency alphabetic character, March 26, 2018).

  • Open with prayer.

  • Help the candidate experience comfortable.

  • Brand the interview a spiritually uplifting experience.

  • Make sure that the candidate understands the purpose of the interview.

  • Inquire the baptismal interview questions. Use follow-up questions to get a feeling for the force of the person's testimony and the sincerity of the person'south repentance.

  • Answer the candidate'southward questions.

  • Invite the person to bear testimony and express his or her feelings.

  • If the person has challenges with testimony or worthiness, explain that it would be all-time to postpone the baptism until he or she is better prepared.

Baptismal Interview Questions

  1. Exercise you believe that God is our Eternal Father? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior and Redeemer of the earth?

  2. Do you lot believe that the Church and gospel of Jesus Christ have been restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith? Practise you believe that [current Church building President] is a prophet of God? What does this mean to you?

  3. What does information technology mean to yous to repent? Practise you feel that you have repented of your by transgressions?

  4. Take you ever committed a serious crime? If so, are you now on probation or parole? Have you ever participated in an abortion? Have you ever committed a homosexual transgression?

  5. You have been taught that membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints includes living gospel standards. What do you lot understand about the following standards? Are you willing to obey them?

    1. The police force of chastity, which prohibits whatsoever sexual relationship outside the bonds of a legal spousal relationship between i man and one adult female.

    2. The law of tithing.

    3. The Word of Wisdom.

    4. The Sabbath twenty-four hours, including partaking of the sacrament weekly and rendering service to others.

  6. When you are baptized, you covenant with God that you are willing to take upon yourself the name of Christ and keep His commandments throughout your life. Are you ready to make this covenant and strive to exist true-blue to it?

At the determination of a successful interview, congratulate the candidate. Rejoin the other missionaries, and explain what will happen at the baptismal service.

Explain that the confirmation will take identify under the direction of the bishop in a sacrament meeting of the ward in which they reside.

When it is necessary to postpone a baptism, the district leader or zone leader and other missionaries should handle the situation sensitively and privately. Assure the candidate that he or she tin succeed, and explain that some transgressions crave more than time for thorough repentance. Explicate that the sacred nature of the ordinance requires high standards of worthiness. Assure the candidate that you and others will exercise all you can to support him or her. Then faithfully follow through to keep your promise.

Baptism and Confirmation: Questions and Answers

Who conducts the interview for baptism?

Normally the district leader interviews baptismal candidates taught by missionaries in his district, including candidates taught by his zone leaders. The zone leader interviews candidates taught by the district leader. The mission president or one of his counselors must interview people involved in serious sins. District or zone leaders do not interview baptismal candidates exterior their own commune or zone unless the mission president assigns them to exercise and then.

What is the definition of a convert baptism?

Convert baptisms are baptisms of:

  • Persons ages nine and older who have never been baptized and confirmed equally members of the Church.

  • Children age eight whose parents are non members of the Church or whose parents are being baptized and confirmed at the aforementioned time every bit the child.

Practise I demand permission to baptize a pocket-sized child?

The Church's business with respect to children is their current and time to come well-being and the harmony of their home surround. For their protection, the following conditions must be met before yous tin can baptize a pocket-size child under legal age, equally defined by local laws:

  1. You must obtain permission from both parent(s) or legal guardian(s), and they must understand the doctrine that a baptized kid will exist taught and the covenants he or she will exist expected to make. Y'all may ask for this consent to exist in writing if you experience it volition assistance prevent misunderstandings.

  2. You have discerned that there is clear show that the child understands the baptismal covenant and will brand every effort to proceed it through obeying the commandments, including faithfully attending Church meetings.

  3. The kid's chief residence is not with parents who are polygamists. If ane or both of the child'southward parents are polygamists, you lot must contact the mission president for additional information.

  4. The baptism is not prohibited by local laws and civilization.

Exercise I need permission of the spouse in society to cognominate a married man or married woman?

Yes. Do not baptize a married person without the consent of his or her spouse.

If a parent in a family is not ready for baptism, should I baptize the family or wait until the parent is ready?

If a parent of a family unit is not prepare for baptism and confirmation merely other family members are, y'all may tell the parent y'all prefer non to baptize the family without him or her because the Church respects the wishes of the parents and because family unit members will progress in the gospel best as a family unit. If the parent continues to decline, you may baptize and ostend other family members with his or her consent.

Is it a skilful idea to ordain a father to the Aaronic Priesthood immediately afterward baptism so that he can baptize other family members?

No. The father must be confirmed in a sacrament meeting and, after an interview with the bishop, exist sustained to receive the Aaronic Priesthood. Baptisms of family members should not be delayed and then that the father can receive the priesthood and perform the baptisms himself.

May I teach and baptize a person who has been excommunicated?

Baptisms of excommunicated persons are not convert baptisms, and missionaries exercise not interview such persons for baptism. You lot may work with such persons simply nether the close supervision of the mission president and bishop.

What if a person has a scheduled baptismal date but is not keeping all of the commitments?

If you feel that someone y'all are teaching needs boosted training, practise not schedule a baptismal interview until he or she is keeping the commitments and meets the standards.

What do I do when people want to be baptized just are living together without being married?

Baptismal candidates who have been living with a person of the reverse gender out of wedlock must either marry or stop living together before they can be baptized.

Question iv in the baptismal interview asks if a person has e'er committed a serious crime (if and so, are they on probation or parole), participated in an abortion, or committed a homosexual transgression. What should I do if someone confesses such a sin?

  1. Instructions for teaching missionaries. Sometimes a person may volunteer information about such sins equally you teach about the commandments and invite them to brand commitments. However, if they do not say anything but you think they may have a problem, fix them for the baptismal interview past asking them if they have been involved in whatever of these sins. If you become aware of a serious sin, do not ask about the details of the sin. Do not schedule a baptismal engagement or make whatsoever promises about whether they volition be cleared for baptism and confirmation. Express your honey and review the principle of repentance and forgiveness. Kindly explain that these sins are serious and that a person with more than maturity and experience (your mission president or someone he assigns) will talk with them and help them with these matters. Always provide hope in Christ'due south Atonement. Then transport a baptismal interview request straight to the mission president.

  2. Instructions for the person conducting the interview for baptism. If the missionaries have properly taught the candidate before the baptismal interview, these issues, if they exist, should have been directed to the mission president. However, if they ascend during the interview, express your dearest and review the commandments and the principle of repentance and forgiveness. Kindly explain that these sins are serious and that a person with more maturity and experience (your mission president or someone he assigns) will talk with them and help them with these matters. Always provide hope in Christ's Atonement. Then forwards a baptismal interview asking directly to the mission president.

Activity: Personal Study

Think about how y'all might feel if yous were being interviewed. Consider the following questions:

  • What aspects of the interview might be strange to you? What could the interviewer practice or say to put you at ease?

  • How would yous want the interviewer to interact with you?

  • How would you want the interviewer to respond if you expressed doubts or misunderstandings or if you confessed serious sins?

Write your answers to these questions in your study journal.

Complete the Baptism and Confirmation Class (Convert)

The missionary who conducts the interview should make full out a current Baptism and Confirmation Class (Catechumen), except the information virtually confirmation. He should explain that a membership record is created from the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Catechumen) and volition contain important information about the new members and the ordinances they take received. The missionary should ask the candidate to verify the information on the form during the interview. The missionary who conducts the interview should bring the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert) to the baptismal service and give it to the person who is presiding.

The bishop ensures that a Baptism and Confirmation Grade (Convert) is filled out for each candidate according to instructions on the form. Whenever members move, the membership record is forwarded to the new unit so that their new bishop tin can provide fellowship and assistance.

Action: Personal or Companion Written report

Study Mosiah six:1–3 and Moroni 6:ane–4. How practice these passages relate to your responsibility for keeping accurate records of baptisms and confirmations?

The Baptismal Service

The Spirit is manifest strongly every bit the sacred ordinances of baptism and confirmation are performed. The baptismal service and subsequent confirmation should be spiritual highlights for new converts. You lot and the ward mission leader should exercise everything y'all can to ensure that the baptismal service is organized, inspiring, and memorable. These services should strengthen the new converts in their commitment to remain active.

Invite a member of the bishopric, quorum and auxiliary leaders, and ministering brothers and sisters (if assigned) to attend the baptismal service. Encourage the person beingness baptized to invite his or her friends and relatives (for instance, past creating an outcome on social media) to nourish the baptismal service and the sacrament meeting where the confirmation will take place. Consider inviting other people you are teaching to attend. These experiences will assist them feel the Spirit and fix them to take an invitation to learn more nigh the gospel. Work with the person existence baptized and the ward mission leader to invite the person'south friends and relatives to attend. So follow through after the service to discuss their experience and invite them to learn why their friend chose to be baptized.

The missionaries who taught the person beingness baptized coordinate with the ward mission leader to organize the service. If a baptismal service is scheduled on a Sunday, it should be held at a time that minimizes interference with regular Sunday meetings. Explain to the person being baptized what is planned and why. Discuss proper clothes, including how the person will be given white vesture to clothing for the baptism. Agree on the identify and fourth dimension for the baptism. A member of the bishopric or the ward mission leader normally conducts the service. Following are essential items to plan and organize.

A baptismal service may include:

  1. Prelude music.

  2. A brief welcome by the priesthood leader who is conducting the service (a member of the bishopric should preside, if possible).

  3. An opening hymn and prayer.

  4. 1 or 2 brusk talks on gospel subjects, such as baptism and the Holy Ghost.

  5. A musical choice.

  6. Performance of the baptism.

  7. A time of reverence while the people who participate in the baptism alter into dry clothes. This could include interlude music or singing well-known hymns and Principal songs. It could also include a brief gospel presentation by the full-fourth dimension missionaries for nonmembers who may exist present.

  8. An opportunity for new converts to bear their testimonies, if desired.

  9. A closing hymn and prayer.

  10. Postlude music.


A person receives the ordinance of confirmation later on he or she has been baptized (see Doctrine and Covenants 20:41). A new convert is considered a member of the Church only subsequently the ordinances of baptism and confirmation are both completed and properly recorded (come across John 3:5; Doctrine and Covenants 33:eleven). Converts are confirmed in a sacrament meeting in the ward where they alive, preferably on the Sunday following their baptism. Converts are non confirmed at the baptismal service. The bishop is responsible for seeing that confirmation occurs as soon as reasonable after baptism. At least one member of the bishopric participates in the confirmation. The bishop should invite missionary elders who helped teach the convert to participate in the confirmation. Work closely with the bishop and the ward mission leader to make sure this essential ordinance is performed. The bishop does not carry a separate interview for this ordinance.

After the confirmation, the bishop or ward clerk completes the confirmation information on the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert). The ward clerk and so returns two copies of the form to the missionaries. The missionaries send one copy to the mission function for the creation of a membership tape.

After the Baptism and Confirmation

Under the management of the bishop, missionaries should continue to fellowship new members. Continue to teach them and review what has been taught. Encourage and support them, read the Volume of Mormon with them, and help them share the gospel with family members and friends. As appropriate, continue throughout your life to communicate with those whom yous have taught and to encourage and support them.

Later on the confirmation, teach all five missionary lessons once more. Continue using the Teaching Record to record progress. Work closely with the ward mission leader and ward leadership to aid the new convert stay active, build trusted relationships with local members, receive a express-use temple recommend, and be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood (for males of the appropriate historic period). Support new converts and help them receive all the blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Remember This

  • Properly prepare baptismal candidates for the interview for baptism and confirmation.

  • Make certain candidates see the requirements for baptism and confirmation.

  • Help ensure that baptismal services are spiritually uplifting.

  • Use baptismal services and confirmations as finding opportunities.

  • Accurately complete the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert).

Ideas for Written report and Awarding

Personal Study

  • Make a list of the challenges that a baptismal candidate might encounter. Why is it important that candidates experience the dearest and friendship of Church building members?

  • Study Moroni half dozen and Doctrine and Covenants 20:68–69. What do you learn from these verses near preparing people for baptism and confirmation? Write what you larn, and share your thoughts with your companion during companion study.

Companion Study

  • President Henry B. Eyring explained why high standards are important. Discuss this counsel with your companion and evaluate how you feel nearly boldly helping people meet these standards. "The Lord sets His standards then that He tin can bless usa. Think about those blessings: He promises those who run across the standards the help of the Holy Ghost. He promises personal peace. He promises the gamble to receive holy ordinances in His business firm. And He promises those who endure in living His standards that they will have eternal life. … Because we love the people we serve, all of usa want to practise improve in lifting our Heavenly Father's children to the faithfulness and purity they demand to accept all the blessings of the Lord. … You begin by holding up the Lord's standards conspicuously and without apology. And the more the earth drifts from them and mocks them, the bolder we must be in doing that" ("Standards of Worthiness," Outset Worldwide Leadership Preparation Meeting, Jan. 2003, 10–11).

  • Share with your companion what you take learned from this chapter well-nigh preparing people for baptism and confirmation.

  • Review the terminal baptismal service you attended. Compare it with the guidelines in the section titled "The Baptismal Service." What went well? What could have been improved? Discuss how y'all will make sure that the services yous programme will be spiritual and uplifting.

  • Practise how yous would set up a specific person for the baptismal interview.

  • Review the baptismal interview questions. Consider how yous would handle dissimilar situations, such equally the following:

    • The candidate didn't tell yous that he is on probation for a crime previously committed.

    • The person has not received a strong answer to prayer that Joseph Smith was a prophet.

    • The candidate smoked a cigarette ii days agone.

    • The candidate isn't sure whether she has received an answer to her prayers.

    • The family felt pressure from friends and aren't sure whether they are gear up for baptism.

  • Review the Baptism and Confirmation Form (Convert). How can you ensure that the information you provide is correct and consummate?

District Council, Zone Conferences, and Mission Leadership Council

  • Review the importance of the baptismal interview. Discuss how missionaries should prepare people for the interview.

  • Hash out how to use baptismal services and confirmations as finding opportunities.

Mission President, His Companion, and His Counselors

  • Work with local priesthood and auxiliary leaders to ensure effective use of the Progress Record.

  • Teach district leaders, zone leaders, and sister preparation leaders how to set people for the baptismal interview. Invite mission leaders to train other missionaries to set up people for the baptismal interview.

  • Teach commune leaders and zone leaders how to conduct baptismal interviews.

  • Instruct the members of the mission presidency and priesthood leaders how to bear baptismal interviews for baptismal candidates who have committed serious sins.

  • When possible, attend baptismal services for new converts. Take some fourth dimension to talk with the new converts and learn their conversion experiences. Share what yous learn with your companion and with other missionaries.
